Monday, July 06, 2009

The Disney Costume Party (Saturday, July 4)

On Saturday Simon took me around to two of the local malls...the first was a bit smaller and was filled with an open air type market in the center. It was kinda like a strip mall. The second was HUGE!! It was a Westfield shopping center (like west county in STL only like twice as large and brand new). The two malls taught me very quickly how much more expensive everything is over here. For instance, I really needed a curling iron. The one I purchased was the cheapest I could find and it still cost me 80 AUS like 70 something of our dollars! I almost died of shock.

That night, dressed as Woody and Tinkerbell (pictures to be posted soon), we arrived at a party in full swing where Simon reunited with some old high school mates he hadn't seen in years. Among the costumes were several Woody's and Tinkerbell's, Snow White's, Incredible's, Alice's, a Mad Hatter, a Shrek and Ogre Fiona, Pinnochio (he was sooo cute in his lil red shorts and suspenders), Peter Pan's, Sleeping Beauty, Belle, Tiger Lily (from Peter Pan- my personal winner for most original and creative), Aladdin, the human form of the Beast, the Queen of Hearts, Gisele, the Chesire Cat, Hades, Buzz Lightyear, and a few others. No one was brave enough to wear the little bit of clothing Jasmine or Ariel wears so there weren't any of those present lol. The birthday girl was Cinderella and her mother was dressed as the Evil Stepmother, her sister were dressed as the evil stepsisters, her bf was prince charming of course, and her very old grandmother was the fairy godmother (it was adorable). The party was fun...I danced with Tiger Lily and one of the Incredibles (basically girls in red bodysuits with little boy styled underwear over them and the logo on their chest with black knee high boots-it was cute) and had a melted purple daquiri. But everyone was really nice and we had a blast dancing...even Simon got out on the dance floor... and we left at about 11pm (the only part of jet lag that effects me is that I get tired pretty early).

update: kind of a mess of pictures...ill figure out some format later :)

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