Thursday, July 16, 2009

HP6 and Kangaroos

Simon and I saw Half Blood Prince at 130 pm yesterday and I thought the movie was great! *Spoiler warning: if you haven't seen the movie or read the books you might want to read the kangaroo paragraph and come back to this one later....*I really hope David Yates has signed on to direct the last 2 movies because he did a great job with sticking to the book. Of course you have your random thrown in details and scenes that never existed in the books but I think its unavoidable. I've even gotten to the point where Dan Radcliffe's and Emma Watson's acting doesn't make me feel sad all day and I can actually enjoy watching them on screen. My favorite HP actor is Alan Rickman (Snape) because he's so absolutely perfect for the role that I'm convinced JK had him in mind while writing it. My favorite part of the movie was when Harry took the Felix Felicis potion and became almost like a Harry on marijuana- but it was very funny. He was slightly spacey and said odd things that were often accompanied by hand movements (pincers- finger waggling). Another really cool part was when Harry and Dumbledore were down in the lake and the Inferi were attacking (which looked really cool and creepy!) and Dumbledore did the huge fire whip thing that is featured on the cover of the UK edition of the book. I even cried when he died- despite the fact that I think Michael Gambon was a terrible Albus. OH!! and I loved the part where Dumbledore and Harry are in Dumbledore's office right after they discovered that Tom knew about horcruxes and Harry touches the ring on AD's desk. The ring makes some weird thing happen that only happpens when one horcrux recognizes another. They then cut to Dumbledores face and he's staring at Harry and its at that moment that we know (if you've read all the books) that he knows that Harry is a horcrux. It was beautiful.

On the way back from the movie (I've been on a Roo hunt since I got here) we decided to drive down to the small park by the end of simon's road where it is rumored to have kangaroos at dusk. Before yesterday I had only seen one and he was off in the distant bush. Yesterday, I saw a small (I called it a herd but apparently thats incorrect) mob of kangaroo. In that mob were two mama roo with joeys in their pouch! (If you look at the first picture-follow the mama's arm down, it touches the top of the joey's head) Simon had never actually seen one in the pouch so it was exciting for him also. The pictures are not exactly the best...they may seem a bit dark and fuzzy but they were taken at dusk and you can only get so close to them before they take off. It's like trying to take a picture of a deer. They can be a bit jumpy. Ha!

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